How To Raise Bathroom Cabinets

Are you tired of bending down every time you need something from your bathroom cabinets? Well, we have the solution for you!

First, you need to assess the height and placement of your cabinets. This will help determine how much higher you want them to be.

Then, gather the necessary tools and materials such as a screwdriver, riser blocks or adjustable legs, and screws.

Next, remove the cabinets from the wall carefully using your screwdriver. Once they are off the wall, it’s time to install cabinet riser blocks or adjustable legs. These will provide additional height and stability for your cabinets.

Finally, reattach the cabinets at the desired height using screws. Make sure they are securely fastened before placing any items back inside them.

By raising your bathroom cabinets with these easy steps, you can create a more ergonomic space that meets your needs perfectly. So let’s get started on transforming your bathroom into a more functional and comfortable area today!

How To Raise Bathroom Cabinets

Assess the Height and Placement of Your Cabinets

Now, you’ll need to take a step back and assess the height and placement of your cabinets. Make sure they’re not only at a comfortable level for daily use but also strategically positioned to maximize space efficiency in your bathroom.

To determine the ideal height for your bathroom cabinets, consider the average height of the people who will be using them most frequently. You want to ensure that they can easily reach items without straining or bending too much.

If your existing cabinets are not at the desired height, don’t worry! There are ways to modify them. You can either raise the entire cabinet by removing it from the wall and reinstalling it at a higher position or opt for adding extension pieces between the cabinet and wall to achieve the desired height.

Assessing and modifying cabinet heights will ensure convenience and functionality in your bathroom space.

Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials

First, make sure you have all the essential tools and materials ready for the task at hand.

When it comes to raising bathroom cabinets, choosing the right cabinet riser blocks is crucial. These blocks will serve as a sturdy base to elevate your cabinets to the desired height. Look for riser blocks that are durable and can support the weight of your cabinets.

Additionally, consider using adjustable cabinet legs to fine-tune the height of your cabinets. This will allow you to make small adjustments if needed, ensuring a perfect fit in your bathroom space. Remember to follow any instructions provided by the manufacturer when installing these legs.

By having the right tools and materials on hand, you’ll be well-prepared to raise your bathroom cabinets effectively and efficiently.

Remove the Cabinets from the Wall

To start removing the cabinets from the wall, you’ll need to carefully detach them by unscrewing the bolts holding them in place. Make sure to have a screwdriver or drill handy for this task.

Once you’ve removed all the screws, gently lift the cabinet away from the wall, taking care not to damage it or the surrounding area. If you notice any damage while removing the cabinets, here are some tips for repairing them: use wood putty or filler to fill in any holes or dents, sand and repaint if necessary.

Additionally, if you’re looking for alternative storage options for small bathrooms, consider installing floating shelves or using over-the-toilet storage units. These can help maximize space and provide additional storage without taking up floor space.

Install Cabinet Riser Blocks or Adjustable Legs

You can easily add cabinet riser blocks or adjustable legs for a customized and elevated look to your bathroom storage. Both options have their benefits, so it’s important to consider which one will work best for you.

Cabinet riser blocks are a great choice if you want a more permanent solution. They provide stability and support, ensuring that your cabinets are level and aligned properly.

On the other hand, adjustable legs offer flexibility in case you need to make any adjustments in the future.

When installing either option, it’s crucial to properly level and align the cabinets. Use a level tool to ensure that everything is straight and even. Take your time during this step to avoid any issues down the line.

With cabinet riser blocks or adjustable legs, you can achieve the perfect height for your bathroom cabinets while maintaining stability and alignment.

Reinstall the Cabinets at the Desired Height

Now it’s time to reinstall the cabinets at just the right height for a stylish and functional bathroom storage solution.

Start by carefully placing the cabinets back onto the riser blocks or adjustable legs that you previously installed. Make sure they’re aligned properly and securely fastened in place.

To adjust the cabinet height, use a level to ensure they’re perfectly straight. If adjustments need to be made, loosen the screws holding the cabinets in place and raise or lower them accordingly. Once you’ve achieved the desired height, tighten the screws to secure them.

Remember to double-check that all doors and drawers open smoothly and close properly after adjusting the cabinet height. If any adjustments are needed, make them before finalizing everything.

By following these steps, you can easily reinstall your bathroom cabinets at just the right height for optimal functionality and visual appeal.


So there you have it – now you know how to raise your bathroom cabinets! By assessing their height and placement, gathering the necessary tools and materials, removing them from the wall, installing cabinet riser blocks or adjustable legs, and finally reinstalling them at the desired height, you can easily achieve the perfect height for your cabinets.

With just a little bit of effort and some basic DIY skills, you can transform your bathroom into a more functional and stylish space.